Friday, January 10, 2014

Bout of Books 9.0: Day four

× On day four I was (re)reading....


Despite being sick, I was able to get in a few hours of reading just before bed; completing Harry Potter a few minutes shy of midnight. Not only is this my second read of the read-a-thon, but it is also my second time this week finishing one of my 2014 reading goals. Huzzah! The book was just as magical as I remembered, and I really enjoyed delving back into the world of Hogwarts.

× Day Four Progress:

Finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling (Total books = 2)
Read for: 3.5 hours (Total = 16.5)
Read 146 pages (Total = 666)
Completed the Double Date challenge at Writing My Own Fairytale
Completed the Poem challenge at Pen in Her Hand

» Double Date Book Challenge:

For this challenge, we were asked to pair two books from our bookshelves that go well together; ones you would recommend reading back-to-back.

"How fun! I have just realized how many books on my shelves compliment one another…

I think I would have to choose Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Epic Fail by Claire LaZebnik. The second is like a contemporary retelling of the first; though not so much so that you notice it right away. It took me a little bit to realize, and once I did, I enjoyed picking out all of the parallels and comparing/contrasting the characters. Both are great stories!"

» Poem Challenge:

This challenge was a bit more complicated. We were asked to choose a book. Then, a number. We would then take the book, open to a random page, count down our chosen number of lines and then in that many words - fourteen times. After that was done, we would take those fourteen words, change two of them if we wanted, and create a poem! Here is mine:

"I chose I Am the Messenger by Marcus Zusak, my first completed read during Bout of Books.

My number was 8.

My fourteen words were: and, laughter, I, spades, lips, stay, tasting, faster, crowd, why, doors, interrupted, regret, the.

I changed “the” to “close,” and “spades” to “move.”

Interrupted lips,
I stay –
tasting laughter and
Crowds move faster,
doors close."
. . . . 

 Happy reading!

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