
**I am currently open to receiving/reviewing YA and Middle Grade/Children's books of any genre. If you have something you would like to send to me, please contact me via email at sammiechii@yahoo.com.

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My reviews/ratings are based off of the classic Gooread's five-star rating scale, where five stars equals an incredible, beautiful read and one star means that the book was unremarkable. When rating, I look at:

» The plot;

Was it original? Understandable? Was the follow-through lacking? How did everything come together — was there something missing, or did it feel like information overload?

» The characters;

Where they developed? Their actions/reactions realistic? What about how they spoke and thought; did it make sense and correlate with the setting of the story? How likable and/or relatable where they? How did I feel about them as the story progressed?

» The writing;

Did the writing help to paint a picture of the setting and/or characters? Did the events and language flow well? How was the dialogue — was it understandable, descriptive, cheesy, funny, informative, witty, sarcastic, clichéd? Which, of the aforementioned adjectives, could be used to describe the narrator's voice? Did the actions of the character/narrator feel real? Where there inconsistencies or editing mistakes? Did I feel connected to the story through the writing?

» Effect;

How did this book make me feel — nothing, ALL THE EMOTIONS, or somewhere in-between? Did I enjoy it? Would I read it again?

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An AMAZING read. Beautiful writing/reading experience, all wrapped up into one!
Missing that special something(s), but still too excellent to receive anything less than four stars.
Great plot/characters/other, but lacked the follow-through.
Poor writing, theme, characters, ECT. Not very memorable.
Completely unremarkable in every way.
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