Thank you for visiting my blog! Whether you stumbled upon
it by accident or found it by choice, I appreciate your taking enough
interest in learning more about the author. Which is me. Sam. I am a 26
year old English and Creative Writing major, the oldest of six children, and a lover of rabbits. In my spare time, I enjoy writing, walking, reading,
eating, bullet journal-ing, buying way more books than I need, singing along to musical soundtracks, and spending quality time with our trampoline. Though I mostly read YA, I have recently branched out into adult literature and nonfiction, but my favorite genres will always be YA fantasy, dystopian, science fiction and paranormal.
**I am currently open to receiving/reviewing YA and Middle Grade/Children's books of any genre. If you have something you would like to send to me, please contact me via email at sammiechii@yahoo.com.
Want to know a bit more about me?
▫ 25 Bookish Facts About Me
▫ Ten Facts About Me