Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bout of Books 8.0: Day One

Hello, fellow Bout of Book-ers! Day one is officially complete, and I am already doing quite poorly.

Not only did I not read at least three hours yesterday, but I only managed to get 88 pages into my book before growing too tired to continue on. So to sum yesterday up in one sentence: it was just not that great of a reading day for me. But that's okay, because there are still six days left in the Read-A-Thon! Plenty of time to read (and/or procrastinate). As for the book that I am currently reading, that would be this gem:

Author: Beth Revis
Series: Across the Universe #3
Publisher: Razorbill
Release Date: January 15, 2013
Pages: 369
Format: Hardcover
Average Rating: 4.20

Shades of Earth; book three in the Across the Universe series by Beth Revis. I have enjoyed this series from the very beginning and am definitely looking forward to finding out how the it ends. So far, so good!


 I completed two challenges today; including The Bookish Bucket List, hosted by Sarah Says Read, and the Pairathon hosted by BookPairing. Here are my entries:

Challenge #1 - The Bookish Bucket List

For this challenge, we were supposed to leave a comment telling Sarah a bookish thing that we would like to do before we die/one thing we would like to do that was inspired by a book. This was my answer:
You know that feeling you get when you walk into a library or bookstore? Like you are someplace holy, sacred, and all you want to do is stand there and soak up their (the book's) presence, despite the looks that you are sure to get from people passing by? Well, my bookish goal is to travel the world and walk into any and all bookshops that I can find—old, new, popular, second-hand—and just experience it. To explore the shops and enjoy the company of their books. I would not even have to buy anything (though, let’s be honest, I probably will); I just think that traveling to different places across the globe and taking part in something like that would be wonderful, awe-inspiring, and pretty darn amazing.

I would also like to attend BEA or some other book festival, as well as acquire enough books to create my own little library of sorts, one day.
Challenge #2 - Pairathon

In this challenge, we were asked to post a photo (or leave a comment, describing) what it is that we are pairing with our current reads; food, drink, pets. Here is mine.

Some yogurt, Special K Cracker Chips, a Dr. Pepper, 
and Shades of Earth by Beth Revis.

BoB Progress:

Number of Books Read Today: 0
Number of Pages Read Today: 88
Number of Challenges Completed: 2
Total Number of Books: 0
Total Number of Pages: 88


Bout of Books blog

Here is to a productive second day!

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