Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bout of Books 15: Wrap-up!

Bout of Books

Bout of Books 15 is over!! :( Though I did not get much reading done, I am terribly sad at the prospect of having to say goodbye to such a wonderful read-a-thon for another few months!

» Bout of Books 15 Wrap-up «


Finish The Wondrous and the Wicked by Page Morgan — Because I was already about halfway through this book when Bout of Books began, this was a fairly easy goal to complete. I adore The Disposessed trilogy and The Wondrous and the Wicked was a great conclusion!

Read The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis — This book was less than a hundred pages and took only a few hours to read. I loved it.

x Read Illuminae by Amy Kaufman and Jay Kristoff — Much sadness that I was not able to read this book. I tried - I really did - but I needed to pick up something else for an English class, so Illuminae was pushed to the side. Hopefully I can get to it soon!

An unexpected addition to the TBR...

1. The Fall by Bethany Griffin — I had to read this book for school, so it took priority over any other reading material that I had planned to pick up during Bout of Books. I did not manage to finish reading The Fall before the read-a-thon ended, but I was really enjoying it!


Overall, I didn't do too poorly considering I had a 13.5 hour day of work on Saturday and a Crap-ton of homework to do on Sunday.

Here is a full list of the challenges that I participated in:

Bookish Would You Rather?
Book Rainbow
Villain Mash-Up
Bookish Scavenger Hunt
The Comfy Reading Spot

Did you guys participate in Bout of Books? How did you do? Let me know, and we can discuss our reads/pine for the next BoB together!

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