Monday, January 11, 2016

Bout of Books 15 [Progress]

Bout of Books

Instead of doing seven individual updates, I have decided to combine my progress from the week into one, convenient post! Check back for daily updates and visit the Bout of Books blog for more information.

[ Day One ]

Continued reading The Wondrous and the Wicked by Page Morgan

# of hours read on Day One: about 1.25 (total = 1.25)
# of pages read on Day One: 96 (total = 96)
# of books read on Day One: 0 (total = 0)
# of challenges completed on Day One: 0 (total = 0)

[ Day Two ]

Continued reading The Wondrous and the Wicked by Page Morgan
Participated in the "Would You Rather?" challenge

# of hours read on Day Two: 1 (total = 2.25)
# of pages read on Day Two: 41 (total = 137)
# of books read on Day Two: 0 (total = 0)
# of challenges completed on Day Two: 1 (total = 1)

Notes: I planned on finishing The Wondrous and the Wicked today but was distracted by the Teen Wolf marathon on MTV. Fail.

[ Day Three ]

Finished reading The Wondrous and the Wicked by Page Morgan
Began reading The Fall by Bethany Griffin
Participated in the "Rainbow" challenge

# of hours read on Day Three: 2.5 (total = 4.75)
# of pages read on Day Three: 172 (total = 309)
# of books read on Day Three: 1 (total = 1)
# of challenges completed on Day Three: 1 (total = 2)

[ Day Four ]

Continued reading The Fall by Bethany Griffin
Participated in the "Villain Mash Up" challenge

# of hours read on Day Four: 1 (total = 5.75)
# of pages read on Day Four: 77 (total = 386)
# of books read on Day Four: 0 (total = 1)
# of challenges completed on Day Four: 1 (total = 3)

[ Day Five ]

Began and finished reading The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
Participated in the "Scavenger Hunt" challenge

# of hours read on Day Five: 1 (total = 6.75)
# of pages read on Day Five: 86 (total = 472)
# of books read on Day Five: 1 (total = 2)
# of challenges completed on Day Five: 1 (total = 4)

[ Day Six ]

Continued reading The Fall by Bethany Griffin
Participated in the "Comfy Reading Spot" challenge

# of hours read on Day Six: about half an hour (total = 7.25)
# of pages read on Day Six: 32 (total = 504)
# of books read on Day Six: 0 (total = 2)
# of challenges completed on Day Six: 1 (total = 5)

Notes: I worked 13.5 hours yesterday, which didn't leave much time for reading. :(

[ Day Seven ]

# of hours read on Day Seven: 0 (total = 7.25)
# of pages read on Day Seven: 0 (total = 504)
# of books read on Day Seven: 0 (total = 2)
# of challenges completed on Day Seven: 0 (total = 5)

Notes: Fail.

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