Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Teaser Tuesday [July 12]

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jenn of Books and a Beat. All you have to do is grab your current read, open to a random page, and share two teaser sentences (that don't give too much away).

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This week's teaser:

His friendly face suddenly becomes serious. "You're naming your collector's-item, kick-ass sword that's made to main and kill, specifically designed to bring your ginormous enemies to their knees and hear the lamentation of their women—Pooky Bear?"

World After by Susan Ee


  1. LOL, well I guess you have to name it something! Sounds like a humorous book, I might have to check it out. If you want to check out my teaser here's my post

  2. I'm with Jamie. LOL And I've heard such good things about this author!

    My TT from Over Easy
