Monday, July 18, 2016

If We Were Having Coffee....

If We Were Having Coffee was created by Ashley over at Your Super Awesome Life. Grab your coffee (or Cherry Coca Cola, in my case), and lets chat a bit about what's been going on in our lives! Inspiration for the "questions" at the end is from Perpetual Page Turner.

If we were having coffee... I would tell you that the summer seems to be passing in a blur and that I am completely okay with it. Though summer is usually my favorite season, I find that this year I am not as into the hot weather and humidity as I usually am, though that may have to do with the fact that I have been working outside full-time. I am 100% ready for autumn. I'd ask you what your plans are for the final few weeks of summer, and whether you did anything fun or exciting that made June and July memorable?

If we were having coffee... I would tell you that the last few weeks have been tough for my family. We have been going through some stuff and kind of pinned all of our hopes on an outcome that didn't end up happening. A few days later, we received even more bad news. It has been a roller coaster of emotions and though everyone is trying to remain upbeat, I can feel the hopelessness underneath. I'd ask what you do to make yourself feel better when it seems like the world is working against you?

If we were having coffee... I would tell you that I have recently been working on time management and finding different schedules that work for me so that I can accomplish everything that I need to accomplish without becoming too stressed and overworked. It seems to be working so far. I have figured out that if I get over the fact that I am not a morning person and wake up around 6:30/7:00 every morning, I am able to get quite a bit of stuff done before I go to work, including homework, blog posts, and video uploads, which leaves my evenings free for relaxing. I'd ask if you have any time management tips??

If we were having coffee... I would tell you that I have been working on a short story for one of my classes and that it seems to have rekindled the inspiration for some of my older projects. Sitting down and actually writing has always been the part I have had the most trouble with - editing will forever be my favorite part of the process - but I have discovered a groove and am excited to explore it a bit more with ideas that are not school-related. I'd ask if you have been lacking inspiration for anything lately, and what you do to get it back?

If we were having coffee... I would tell you that I am really, really, really excited for the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children movie that is coming out in September. I keep watching the trailer for it over and over again because it is glorious. I'd ask what movie you have recently watched/loved or whether there is one coming out soon that you are excited for?

If we were having coffee, what would you say? Let me know, or link up your own post in the comments!

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