Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Christmas wish list

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they update their blog with a list of ten things that have to do with a predetermined topic.

This week's topic is: Which ten books would you be thrilled to discover under your Christmas tree tomorrow morning?

1. Harry Potter (Special Edition) Paperback Box Set by J.K. Rowling: So gorgeous... /drools. I have been eying these babies since they were first released, but because they are so very expensive I have not found the desire to cough up enough money to buy them (especially because I do have older, beat-up versions that are still plenty functional).

2. I Am the Messenger by Marcus Zusak: I finished The Book Thief a few days ago and Fell. In. Love. Definitely on a mission to attain this book sometime in the near future (you hear that, Santa?).

3. Cinder by Marissa Meyer: I have been meaning to pick this book up for quite a while now. Why is this not in my collection?!

4. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo: Every time I make the trek to Barnes & Noble, I see the second book in this series, Siege and Storm, and each time I'm like; "I really need to buy the first book." But have I? No. Because I'm lame.

5. Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier: Christine over on BookTube has been raving about this series and I would really, really like to start it soon.

6. The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick: I've been meaning to read this book since the movie came out. It seems really interesting and has some great reviews!

7. The Curiosities by Maggie Stiefvater, Tessa Gratton and Brenna Yovanoff: This book has been on my TBR list for a good while and I just never got around to buying it for myself. Weird stories and Brenna Yovanoff = WANT.

8. Defiance by C.J. Redwine: A story about a kick-ass female and her cute male companion? Yes, please!

9. Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard: Again, an old addition to my TBR list that I still have not purchased.

10. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline: I have been trying to branch out of my usual YA contemporary/dystopian reads this year and pick up more adult-y, science fiction books, and this one has been a Want for quite a while.

. . . .

Which books are you hoping to get for Christmas? Or, if you do not celebrate, which ones are at the top of your to-buy list?

Happy Holidays! x

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