If you have explored my blog and the tabs that are currently taking residence at the top of each page, then you know that there is a specific tab that poses as my sort-of bookshelf. I have a similar tab on my Tumblr, I post ratings on my Twitter, there are two lists on my Amazon account dedicated to books that I would like to read, and I have a clipboard full of loose-leaf paper with all of the books I have read, will read, and which ones I have, or have not, bought—all of which I update regularly (I like lists). As you can probably imagine, these can become pretty difficult to manage, and by the end of the day I just want to:
Which makes my discovery of Goodreads that much more amazing. Now, I've known about the site for a while—after all, it's lists are where I find the majority of my books, along with Amazon and friend recommendations—but I had no idea that you could create your own lists of read and to-be-read books, as well as being able to track the progress of your current reads. I can now keep all of my lists in one convenient place. AND! I have joined the 2013 reading challenge which, before this morning, I had been keeping track of on a piece of paper that I kept tapped to my bookshelf (apparently, I am 3 books ahead of schedule. WHOOP!) So out-of-date of me. Also, from what I have gathered so far, the website has a great online reading community. I can compare my lists to others, follow author updates, keep track of my books, review and rate those that I have read, and take part in discussions. I am in book lover heaven right now.
So, because of my joining the site, I have deleted the "Have Read" tab on this blog (as well as my Tumblr) and am moving it to Goodreads. It is just so much easier to keep track of things there. Please feel free to add or follow me if you are also a member. We can fangirl over fictional characters together or something.
You can visit my Goodreads profile here, or by clicking on the tab at the top of the page.